Friday, April 16, 2010

100416 Variable Zero interview / Little Tokyo photoshoot with Marianne Williams

KtB & [tlr]

Fantastic new interview up with musician/otaku/geek culture writer/blogger Michael Olivarez on his site Variable Zero. In depth interview, featuring all new pictures by the lovely and talented Marianne Willaims.

Check Katie Broad's Insidious Clothing blog soon for a upcoming post about making the Pizza Armor!

Currently working on a track called "Ancient Magic" and a epic remix of Johan Ess. I've also been doing production sound for a upcoming web series called "Why I Hate Bitsy Mallone".



  1. [tlr] Man, we've had some good times. The pizza armor (as good as it is) doesn't do you justice! You need an extension, perhaps a spaceship with lasers surrounding you!
